Wednesday 9 May 2012

Your pet wants your food


Your pet wants your food

Cats and dogs are incredibly food-driven - I've never met one that wasn't.

I'm sure you have your own story of an especially daring or shocking case of food theft by a pet.

Worst one I had was my youngest dog jumping on the dining area chair on to the table, from there on to the bench and he helped himself to a fresh loaf of homemade wholemeal bread (at least it was semi-healthy!). We came home and had to take the two dogs to the vet and a visit to the dentist for me to get more antibiotics! *Sigh*.

So it's not just me feeling like the worst 'cat mummy' in the world! Recent SPCA arrival takes every chance she can get to go for my food. And taken two unattended bread bags to their deaths . They think they have a never ending stomach.

Had a lab/retriever/heeler mix once.

One year we had purchased a new fridge, and stored the old one in an unused room until we could borrow a truck to haul it away. The dog took the candy off the counter, unwrapped each and ate it, then hid the evidence under the old fridge. We've come home once to see he got into the freezer. He ate his way through half a pack of mince, a lamb shank and had started on a pack of rissoles.

If we are home however and he manages to get his jaws on something, he'll bring it to us and put it down as if to a) reprimand us for leaving food around while b) asking for permission to eat it. But if no human is watching, he'll wander around and eat whatever is within reach. He knows it's wrong, but he'll do it anyway if he can get away with it. In a human this would be sociopathic, but in a dog it's just typical.

My other dog, Phoebe, can't spring on to the full-height table as Connor can, but she has another specialty: sideways tongue.

They don't see it as stealing, of course. What was worse was that I got a lecture when I returned home later about how disappointed they were that the dogs were so badly behaved. You hear horror stories of beagles getting into the fridge or cupboard and eating everything in there. Think she is getting better but gosh, what a trickster! Might be a throwback, though, as she was apparently taken from the house of a cat hoarder . Just gives the bags a good savaging! She also begs for food from my dinner plate, which I'm strict on not giving her. When my dad got home, the poor dog decided she couldn't lie about it and put herself in time-out.

we made a batch of red velvet cupcakes recently and hadleft them on the bench after icing them with cream cheese frosting while heading to the shops for candles. urgh. Or if the bag is not too 'rubbishy' just squirt a bit in before tying up the bag.

We have a beagle at home, he can get into anything and is very food driven.

Your pet wants your food

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 09/05/2012


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