Wednesday 9 May 2012

Adopting a 45-mph couch potato? What to know


Adopting a 45-mph couch potato? What to know

Being inside a home is a new experience for the majority of this special breed.

With their short hair, they're very susceptible to cold (and heat exhaustion). They can get tangled up and injure themselves, or will pull, wiggle or chew their way out.

They can generate a lot of power within a couple of seconds.

As with all sight-hounds, they cannot be let off-leash in an un-enclosed area.

Several years ago the greyhound population in the Yarmouth area was larger than it is now.

Shelley White and Paul Plourde adopted two greyhounds: Indy, a brindle grey male; and Juno, a white and gold female. " They are generally a kind, well-behaved, affectionate and non-aggressive breed.

For instance, a potential adopter might have his eye on a small, black female but may find out that certain dog isn't "cat friendly," therefore it will be recommended that another dog be selected or several dogs may be recommended, based on the life style profile.

The greyhounds arrive at the kennel (completely serviced 100 per cent by volunteers like White and Plourde) approximately every 45 days, all through the year. Watching these beautiful, elegant, dogs begin to blossom is one of the joys of adopting these retired racers.

White says traditionally, in the racing world, most greys were thought of as property and income.

With patience and love, however, each new challenge can be conquered.

Potential adopters can generally choose their dog, but during the adoption process, a profile of your lifestyle must be provided and, based on the answers to certain questions, a select few dogs will be recommended as dogs that would blend well into your household.

Greyhounds are more than worth the investment of time and love.

They are well-trained dogs, including crate training; they arrive with an entire medical history and documentation of their bloodline which can be traced back for several generations; they have been tested with cats to see if they are compatible; they've received complete veterinary care and vaccines prior to exiting the U.

There are many different colours available as well as a good mix of males and females to choose from. They arrive with their "racing name," but new owners are free to change that.

Unless airfare is involved, the total cost for adoption is $275. and after entry to Canada and arriving at the Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada (GPAC) kennel; this organization has a strong mandate to ensure that the dogs are fully evaluated and assessed for anxiety, fear, depression and frustration.

Once a greyhound is placed, GPAC provides full 24-hour support, training and behaviour consultation.

They adapt better to a household with a schedule because this offers them safety and security.

Adopting a 45-mph couch potato? What to know

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 09/05/2012


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