Friday 11 May 2012

USDA seeks change to regulate Internet pet sales


USDA seeks change to regulate Internet pet sales

Dog breeders who skirt animal welfare laws by selling puppies over the Internet would face tighter scrutiny under a rule change proposed Thursday by the U.

The Internet opened a whole new venue for puppy sales, and thousands of large-scale breeders who advertise there have not been subject to oversight or inspection.

"You need to open your home if you breed more than four dogs.

That law, written in 1966, set standards of care for animals bred for commercial sale and research.

Opposition to the change is hard to find.

The change would subject dog owners who breed more than four females and sell the puppies electronically, by mail or over the telephone to the same oversight faced by wholesale dealers as part of the Animal Welfare Act.

"This is a very significant proposed federal action, since thousands of large-scale breeders benefit from a loophole that allows them to escape any federal inspections," said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. Dianne Feinstein -- that sought to make similar changes to the regulations.

"We feel this is certainly a much-needed change to an outdated system," said Rebecca Blue, deputy undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs.

The change does not affect backyard breeders who sell puppies from their houses or other physical locations.

"The change will finally allow the USDA to properly enforce violations, shut down puppy mills, and prevent future abuses of dogs and unsuspecting customers," Farr said.

The change comes as Congress considers legislation backed by two Californians -- Rep. Farr welcomed the USDA's decision.

The proposed change seeks to close that loophole by ensuring that anyone who sells pets over the Internet, by phone or mail order can no longer do so sight-unseen. We need more eyes on these operations, and this rule will help.

The USDA will accept comments on the proposed rule change for 60 days.

USDA seeks change to regulate Internet pet sales

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 11/05/2012


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