Friday 30 March 2012

My pet Mitt


My pet Mitt

In Washington, even the dogs are pundits. Giving chase, she will sometimes run smack into a tree or a soccer net, then charge ahead as though nothing had happened. shows unstoppable determination in pursuit of a desired object, such as a ball or a squirrel. Mostly, it's that unsettling absence of loyalty. ate a treat off the anchor's table.

"Z. Take a shot of this down here under the desk. Z. gets the last bite tonight. 's membership in Dogs Against Romney.

To paraphrase Lord Palmerston, Z. has no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

And this is what makes her so much like Romney. So, too, does Romney adapt his behavior to the perceived mood of his audience ("I'm learning to say 'y'all' and I like grits").

The goldendoodle, Z. She likes her human family well enough, but she probably would be just as happy going home with the UPS delivery guy if he offered her a treat. 's breed, is playful, smart and gentle. But loyalty is not a strong point. , by contrast, was described to me by one of her trainers as a prostitute (the trainer used a different word): She places her loyalty with whoever is making her the best offer. In a town of lobbyists, this is all too familiar.

Don't get me wrong: I love the dog.

But neither can I deny that Z. One recent morning, my family and I were puzzling over Z. , thank you very much for joining me tonight," O'Donnell said. Noticing that the camera had moved back to him, O'Donnell instructed: "No, don't shoot me. The Ed Show is next.

That would be Ed Schultz, not Mr. , and she will go through her whole repertoire of tricks — sit, shake hands, lie down, roll over — until one of them works. is Mitt Romney.

The similarities are uncanny.

Z. , hearing her name called in a reproachful tone, hangs her head and looks remorseful, even though she has no idea what she has done wrong. has little concept of a master. When a stranger comes to the door, she wags her tail so vigorously her hips twist; she picks up a toy and, forgetting her owners, brings it to her new friend. , had her cable news debut earlier this month on MSNBC's "The Last Word. As if this is a persona for this particular campaign.

Conservatives are justifiably worried about his loyalty. But in the general election, who's to say he won't trot after soccer moms as breezily as Z.

An apocryphal Harry Truman quotation has it that "if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

My pet Mitt

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 30/03/2012


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