Monday 5 March 2012

5 Organizations and People Devoted to Animal Welfare


5 Organizations and People Devoted to Animal Welfare

Everyone has heard of The Humane Society, The World Wildlife Fund, and PETA (whether or not you agree with their tactics). In Mary's own words: "There is such a growing need to assist these wonderful strays. Mary Lewis is also a private citizen, and one of my oldest friends. They charge no fees of any kind for their flights and/or services. I chose Mary to represent all of the good people in the world who take in the animals others throw away – without fuss, without formality, and with kindness and love in their souls. Since we've been on the farm we've been graced with so many of them … I'm half tempted to contact Cesar Milan for help. She works with Pet ResQ and Pilots 'n' Paws . Animal Rescue Flights (ARF) is an organization of private pilots (Pilots 'n' Paws is an online meeting place or clearinghouse) and other volunteers who provide transportation and other resources for removing animals from overcrowded shelters, where they face certain death, to other parts of the country for fosterage and adoption. Whether it is hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, hazmat spills, or acts of terrorism, whatever harms us will also harm the creatures around us. Local veterinary volunteers are trained in disaster and emergency preparedness to help in rescue and recovery efforts, as well as in securing the livestock in our food chain against outbreaks of disease following disruption of care.

American Veterinary Medical Assistance Team . She offers the care, medical treatment, love, and training that they need to recover from whatever misery sent them to her in the first place. The program has expanded to include the training of the trainers: It teaches military prisoners how to foster and train rescue dogs for mobility, TBI and PTSD. Their dedicated work and their loving hearts have saved the lives of thousands of lost, sick, abandoned, abused, and traumatized animals. Other wonderful aspects of training and volunteer service include: certifying over 400 therapy dogs since 2002 and providing literacy mentors for Canines for Literacy. She lives on a farm in Missouri, with her husband, the usual farm livestock, and an ever-fluctuating number of dogs who have wandered into their lives because they were abandoned by their owners. She is also my sister-in-law (full disclosure) and devotes herself to fostering rescue puppies; to rehabilitating them to the point to which they are adoptable into their "forever" homes. Canines for Service volunteers provide over 2500 hours of service annually in their communities. Sandy Kraykowski is a private citizen in Bergen County, New Jersey. Our first was the sweetest, kindest love, that we named Cricket … She, I think, was dumped … We had her 2 years before she passed.

5 Organizations and People Devoted to Animal Welfare

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 05/03/2012


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